Our preschool program is designed for children ages 2 years to 5 years OR or until Kindergarten. We believe that early childhood is the most important time of exploration and discovery. The mental development of a child is at its most critical stage from birth through age six. At this stage a child’s mind is similar to a sponge absorbing knowledge from his/her environment and experience.

Our desire is to help every child in our program realize his or her fullest potential by providing a specialized Montessori environment which allows children the freedom to move around their environment and satisfy their inner need for imitation, repetition and movement through the prepared areas in each classroom.

This program promotes social, physical, emotional and cognitive growth through the use of Montessori materials in a prepared environment. Our dedicated, highly trained teachers guide children as they participate in a variety of Montessori activities in which they discover, explore, classify, organize and develop skills essential to future academic and social success. Children are encouraged to progress at their own pace, in their own learning that will benefit them throughout their lives.

In the Montessori classroom there are 5 areas. Each are has a specific purpose and goal. These are Language. Math, Sensorial, Practical Life and Cultural.


The goal of this area is to teach a child to read by laying a solid foundation in understanding phonics through enjoyable activities. Children easily learn the phonetic sounds, how to write their letters, names and much more.


The purpose of Math in the Montessori classroom is to simultaneously take children through many aspects of Math. The 5 essential aspects are linear counting, operations with linear numbers, operations with the decimal system, fractions and writing numbers.


The purpose of the Sensorial area is to stimulate the five senses. Sensorial activities help refine a child’s muscle control and coordination, which indirectly prepares him/her for Math and Language.

Practical Life

The use of materials in this area satisfies the children’s need for limitation through simple to complex activities that they have seen in their home environment. The skills acquired help develop a child’s coordination of movement, independence, self-awareness, social skills of grace and courtesy, as well as, concentration and attention.


The goal of this area is to enable children to understand the world in its formation, the present geographical context and the lives of other cultures. This area offers geography, history, botany, zoology and human values materials. Children will enjoy discovering their world using language, sensorial and mathematical skills.

chino hills montessori beginner preschool

Chino Hills Montessori Preschool Chino Hills Montessori Preschool Chino Hills Montessori Preschool Chino Hills Montessori Preschool Chino Hills Montessori Preschool Chino Hills Montessori Preschool
Chino Hills Montessori Preschool Chino Hills Montessori Preschool Chino Hills Montessori Preschool Chino Hills Montessori Preschool Chino Hills Montessori Preschool Chino Hills Montessori Preschool

Practical Life : Brain and Body Development

Grace & Coutesy.Personal Care. Walking in the room.Working with the mat.Sweeping.Spooning.Poring.Sponging.Fabrfic Folding.Vase Carrying.Flower Arranging.Plant Watering.Hand Washing.Polishing DSilver.Dressing Frames (Snaps/Hook & eye,Zipper) Table Washing.Using Scissors. Holding and walking with sharp objections.Hammering a Nail.Banana Cutting.Hammering a nail.Food Preparation and serving

Sensorial : Writing Preparation & Brain Development

Knobbed Cylinder. Pink Tower.Experimenting with sensorial materials.Brown Stairs.Red Rods.Colored Tablets (First Box) Geometric Cabinet (Introduction Presentation), Geometric Cabinet (Regular and Irregular Polygons & Closed Form Shapes).Geometric Cabinet - Equilateral, Isosceles, and Scalene Triangles.Constructive Triangles: Rectangular Box. Mystery Bag. Touch Board (Rough and Smooth) Set.Touch Tablets. Fabric Box.Thermic Tablets.Sound Cylinders.The Bells - Introduction & Diatonic Scale.The Bells - Chromatic Scale.Geometric Solids.Binomial Cube

Cultural Development: Reading Preparation & General Development

Art at Home.Leaf Pressing.Water Color Paints.Geography -- Land and Water.Geography -- Colored and Sandpaper Globes.Geography -- Map of the Hemisphere.Zoology Classification.Living and Non-Living.Magnetism.Using a Magnifying Glass. Buoyancy.Light and Shadows

Language: Enriched Reading & Writing

Vocabulary Enrichment - Learning How to Hold a Discussion.Vocabulary Enrichment - Descriptive Language.Vocabulary Enrichment - Reading Aloud.Vocabulary Enrichment - Verbal Identification of Visual and Tactile Feedback.Vocabulary Enrichment - Real Object and Picture Matching.Vocabulary Enrichment - Picture Matching with Words.Vocabulary Enrichment - Categorization.Sounds of Letters - Rhyming Pictures and Sound Matching.Pre-Writing with the Sand Tray.Pre-Writing with Metal Insets.Letter Sounds - Sandpaper Letters.Letter Sounds - Object Boxes.Transition from Sandpaper Letters to Movable Alphabet.Reading and Writing - Movable Alphabet.Reading List of Consonant Vowel Consonant Words

Math: Quantities, Numerals, Decimal System

Sandpaper Numerals.Number Rods (Red & Blue Rods).Number Rods -- 2nd Presentation.Number Rods & Cards.Number Rods and Cards Exercise #2.Number Rods and Cards Exercise #3.Number Rod and Cards Exercise #3 Alternate.Spindle Boxes.Numerals & Counters.Short Bead Stair.Memory Game of Numbers. Introduction to the Golden Beads.The Concept of Zero.Working with Units through Thousands